Aspects of optimal menu
The previous section we FWMX the latest, coolest (as if I am able to fall behind, the total use of old-fashioned word ~) is the new panel made a brief introduction and understanding, not know that is not the test has got FWMX version starting experience, I believe the feeling of the whole experience should be wonderful. In this section we have to take a look at the menu at all levels and related FWMX command. Similarly, we are still versions to compare and FW4 introductory statement, in order to better to understand the FWMX performance optimization of the menu.
In general, we can see by comparing the name and arrange the menu FWMX group, compared with FW4 to be streamlined, convenient, efficient technology. In addition to View (view) did not change the menu, other menus are more or less at all levels has changed, and re-separate the two FWMX menu command Select (select), Filters (filter), without further ado, Syria, followed by a taste of what we together bring us a new update FWMX feel it!
1, File menu. See next diagram:
1, by comparison, we can find, FWMX which added a Reconstitute Table command, the specific meaning if we do not come to the Chinese translation, we can use this command to understand where it's useful.
(1), select the order will automatically pop up a dialog box related to open the file, see the dialog box to open the file by the target type, we can know that the command is used to open a Table edited pages. At the moment we can arbitrarily select a html file, then open.
(2), if you open the html file previously exported using the FW4 or FWMX generated, we will be able to order through the automated html, previously edited files png source file re-generated automatically.涓婇潰杩欏彞璇濆彲鑳芥湁浜涚粫鍢达紝绠?崟鏉ョ悊瑙g殑璇濆氨鏄紝濡傛灉浣犻噰鐢‵W绯诲垪杞欢鏉ョ洿鎺ヨ緭鍑虹敓鎴恏tml鏂囦欢鐨勮瘽锛屾垜浠彲浠ヤ娇鐢‵WMX鐨凢ile-->Reconstitute Table鍛戒护灏嗚繖涓鍑鸿繃绋嬬炕杞紝涔熷氨鏄閫氳繃html鏂囦欢鍙堝啀娆$敓鎴愪簡png鏍煎紡鐨勬枃浠躲?杩欎釜鍛戒护鏈変粈涔堝ソ澶勫憿锛熶笉鐭ュ悇浣嶆槸濡備綍鏉ョ悊瑙g殑銆傝嚦灏戞渶鏍规湰鐨勪竴涓ソ澶勬槸锛屾垜浠笉蹇呭啀鎷呭績鎴戜滑缃戦〉鐨刾ng婧愭枃浠剁殑涓㈠け浜嗭紝鍥犱负鑷冲皯閫氳繃杩欎釜鍛戒护鎴戜滑鍙互杞绘澗鐨勫皢浠栧畠鎵惧洖鏉ャ?
2銆佸湪FW4鐨凢ile鑿滃崟閲岄潰鏈変竴涓懡浠も?Run Script锛堣繍琛岃剼鏈懡浠わ級鈥濓紝鍦‵WMX涓紝璇ュ懡浠ゅ凡琚暣鍚堝埌浜咰ommands鑿滃崟閲岄潰浜嗐?
3銆侀?杩囧疄楠岋紝鍙戠幇Open锛堟墦寮?枃浠讹級鍛戒护鍙互鎵撳紑鐨勬枃浠剁被鍨嬫洿鍔犱赴瀵屼簡锛屼妇涓緥瀛愶紝鐢‵W4鎵撳紑Swf鏍煎紡鐨勬枃浠惰偗瀹氫細鎶ラ敊锛涗絾鏄鏋滅敤FWMX鎵撳紑Swf鏂囦欢鐨勮瘽锛屾垜浠細鍙戠幇FWMX浼氳嚜鍔ㄨ皟鐢⊿wf鐨勬挱鏀惧櫒杩涜鎾斁浜嗏?鈥﹀彲瑙丮M鍏徃鍦ㄥ叾鐢熶骇鐨勫悇涓蒋浠朵箣闂存鍦ㄩ?姝ユ惌寤烘洿鏄撲簬娌熼?鐨勬ˉ姊侊紝浣垮緱杩欎簺杞欢涓?涓?鐨勭粨鍚堢殑鏇村姞绱у瘑浜嗭紒鐪嬫潵鏃朵唬闇?鎴戜滑瀵瑰悇绉嶈蒋浠舵潵鍋氭í鍚戠殑瀛︿範杩愮敤浜嗭紝涓嶇劧鐨勮瘽锛屽氨瑕佽娣樻卑浜嗏?鈥︼紙鎭愭?鈥︹?锛?br />
1銆佸湪FW4涓袱涓浣欑殑鍛戒护鈥淓dit Bitmap 鍜?Exit Bitmap鈥濆湪FWMX缁堜簬瀵跨粓姝e瘽锛屾秷澶变笉瑙佷簡锛?br />2銆佸湪FW4涓殑杞寲浣嶅浘鍛戒护鈥淐onvert to Bitmap鈥濆湪FWMX涓敼鍙樻垚浜嗏?Flatten Selection鈥濆懡浠わ紝涓よ?鍔熻兘鐩稿悓锛岀郴缁熼粯璁ょ殑蹇嵎閿悓鏍蜂繚鎸佷负鈥淐trl+Shift+Alt+Z鈥濄?璇ュ懡浠ゅ叾瀹炴垜浠湪涓婅妭鐨勨?Layer锛堝眰锛夆?闈㈡澘鐨勪粙缁嶄腑宸茬粡鎺ヨЕ杩囦簡锛屼笉鍐嶈禈杩般?
3銆佸湪FW4涓敤鏉ュ悎骞跺浘灞傜殑鍛戒护鈥淔latten Layers鈥濆湪FWMX涓彉涓轰袱涓懡浠も?Merge Down鈥濆拰鈥淔latten Layers鈥濓紝鍏跺疄鏄鍔犱簡涓?釜鈥淢erge Down鈥濓紙鍚戜笅鍚堝苟鍥惧眰锛夌殑鍛戒护锛岀浉瀵硅?瑷?紝鎿嶄綔鐨勫彲鎺ф?鏇村姞澧炲己浜嗭紒
涓夈?Commands锛堝懡浠わ級鑿滃崟銆?br />璇峰弬鐪嬩笅鍥撅細
銆??閫氳繃姣旇緝涓嶉毦鍙戠幇锛屽湪FWMX涓渶澶х殑涓?釜鍙樺寲灏辨槸澧炲姞浜嗗彲鎵╁睍鎻掍欢璧勬簮绠$悊鍣ㄧ殑鐩稿叧鍛戒护锛孧acromedia Extension Manager涔熷嚭鐜板湪FWMX涓簡锛佽繖鍙槸涓?釜宸ㄥぇ鐨勫彉鍖栵紝Macromedia Extension Manager瀵逛簬浣跨敤DW鎴栬?FLASH鐨勬湅鍙嬪簲璇ヤ竴鐐瑰効閮戒笉闄岀敓銆侻M鍏徃鎯冲繀鍦ㄥ緢涔呬互鍓嶅氨宸茬粡鎯冲埌浜嗗叾鍚勭杞欢鐨勫ぇ鍚屾椂浠g殑鍒颁复锛孧acromedia Extension Manager浣滀负鍏朵笓闂ㄧ殑鎻掍欢璧勬簮绠$悊宸ュ叿宸茬粡閫愭浠庡崟涓?殑涓篋W鏈嶅姟鍙戝睍鍒颁簡鐜板湪涓篎LASH锛屼互鑷充簬鐜板湪鎴戜滑鐪嬪埌鐨凢WMX锛屽叾鎿嶄綔鐨勫紑鏀炬?銆佸彲鎷撳睍鎬у彲瑙佷竴鏂戜簡锛佸彧瑕佷綘鏈夎冻澶熺殑鑳藉姏锛屼綘瀹屽叏鍙互鑷繁缂栧啓鑷繁鐨勬彃浠舵潵涓鸿嚜宸辨湇鍔★紝骞朵笖鍙互灏嗕綘鐨勫姵鍔ㄥ拰鍏朵粬浜轰竴鍚屽垎浜紝瀹炵幇璧勬簮鐨勫厖鍒嗗叡浜埄鐢ㄣ?璇翠簡杩欓棬澶氾紝鎴戜滑杩樻槸鏉ョ湅鐪嬪浣曟潵Manager Extension鍚р?鈥?br />
锛?锛夈?鐐瑰嚮Commands鑿滃崟鍛戒护涓殑Manage Extensions鍛戒护銆?br />
锛?锛夈?寮瑰嚭鎴戜滑鐔熸倝鐨?Extension Manager 绠$悊鍣ㄣ? ]
锛?锛夈?鐩存帴鐐瑰嚮浣嶄簬宸ュ叿鏍忕殑瀹夎鎻掍欢聽 鍥炬爣銆?br />
锛?锛夈?鐐瑰嚮鎵撳紑鏂囦欢鐨勪笅鎷夎彍鍗曪紝鍏蜂綋璺緞璇峰弬鐪嬩笅鍥撅紝杩欓噷涓嶅啀搴熻瘽銆?br />
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