Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Using the form Jinshan Games record score

The annual school fall sports has come, this games a huge scale than in the past, project settings, the number of participants have significantly increased, if the manual records in accordance with usual statistical match results, certainly running around in circles, so the president gave the order , this track record and statistics at athletic meets computer to complete this arduous task naturally falls on the head of the Computer Teaching and Research Group.

However, when the results are found in the record track, for example to enter "6'12" said the achievement was 6 minutes and 12 seconds, according to both the small number keys on the keyboard, but also by a large sign on the keyboard keys, found that more than manual records also slow and, if so, then disgraced the. After tests showed that using the following method to quickly enter the track results.

Jinshan Open form, select the unit to enter the track format of the regional results, click the "Format" menu "cell", then click the "digital" tab, in the "Category" list, click the "Custom" , in the "type" box, enter "#'##", click "OK" button (Figure).

Thus, within the range of cells as long as the input "612", can be automatically transformed into "6'12", without using the large keyboard.

Tip: If you track results as "6'8", you need to enter the "608." If the track of the results are "16'18", in the cell "type" box to the custom format can be changed to "##'##".

Record results after sorting the data, it is easy to find the final results or the final rankings, with the above processing can greatly speed up data processing operation will be.

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Friday, October 15, 2010

Fireworks MX 2-1 early experience

Aspects of optimal menu

The previous section we FWMX the latest, coolest (as if I am able to fall behind, the total use of old-fashioned word ~) is the new panel made a brief introduction and understanding, not know that is not the test has got FWMX version starting experience, I believe the feeling of the whole experience should be wonderful. In this section we have to take a look at the menu at all levels and related FWMX command. Similarly, we are still versions to compare and FW4 introductory statement, in order to better to understand the FWMX performance optimization of the menu.

In general, we can see by comparing the name and arrange the menu FWMX group, compared with FW4 to be streamlined, convenient, efficient technology. In addition to View (view) did not change the menu, other menus are more or less at all levels has changed, and re-separate the two FWMX menu command Select (select), Filters (filter), without further ado, Syria, followed by a taste of what we together bring us a new update FWMX feel it!

1, File menu. See next diagram:

1, by comparison, we can find, FWMX which added a Reconstitute Table command, the specific meaning if we do not come to the Chinese translation, we can use this command to understand where it's useful.

(1), select the order will automatically pop up a dialog box related to open the file, see the dialog box to open the file by the target type, we can know that the command is used to open a Table edited pages. At the moment we can arbitrarily select a html file, then open.

(2), if you open the html file previously exported using the FW4 or FWMX generated, we will be able to order through the automated html, previously edited files png source file re-generated automatically.涓婇潰杩欏彞璇濆彲鑳芥湁浜涚粫鍢达紝绠?崟鏉ョ悊瑙g殑璇濆氨鏄紝濡傛灉浣犻噰鐢‵W绯诲垪杞欢鏉ョ洿鎺ヨ緭鍑虹敓鎴恏tml鏂囦欢鐨勮瘽锛屾垜浠彲浠ヤ娇鐢‵WMX鐨凢ile-->Reconstitute Table鍛戒护灏嗚繖涓鍑鸿繃绋嬬炕杞紝涔熷氨鏄閫氳繃html鏂囦欢鍙堝啀娆$敓鎴愪簡png鏍煎紡鐨勬枃浠躲?杩欎釜鍛戒护鏈変粈涔堝ソ澶勫憿锛熶笉鐭ュ悇浣嶆槸濡備綍鏉ョ悊瑙g殑銆傝嚦灏戞渶鏍规湰鐨勪竴涓ソ澶勬槸锛屾垜浠笉蹇呭啀鎷呭績鎴戜滑缃戦〉鐨刾ng婧愭枃浠剁殑涓㈠け浜嗭紝鍥犱负鑷冲皯閫氳繃杩欎釜鍛戒护鎴戜滑鍙互杞绘澗鐨勫皢浠栧畠鎵惧洖鏉ャ?


2銆佸湪FW4鐨凢ile鑿滃崟閲岄潰鏈変竴涓懡浠も?Run Script锛堣繍琛岃剼鏈懡浠わ級鈥濓紝鍦‵WMX涓紝璇ュ懡浠ゅ凡琚暣鍚堝埌浜咰ommands鑿滃崟閲岄潰浜嗐?

3銆侀?杩囧疄楠岋紝鍙戠幇Open锛堟墦寮?枃浠讹級鍛戒护鍙互鎵撳紑鐨勬枃浠剁被鍨嬫洿鍔犱赴瀵屼簡锛屼妇涓緥瀛愶紝鐢‵W4鎵撳紑Swf鏍煎紡鐨勬枃浠惰偗瀹氫細鎶ラ敊锛涗絾鏄鏋滅敤FWMX鎵撳紑Swf鏂囦欢鐨勮瘽锛屾垜浠細鍙戠幇FWMX浼氳嚜鍔ㄨ皟鐢⊿wf鐨勬挱鏀惧櫒杩涜鎾斁浜嗏?鈥﹀彲瑙丮M鍏徃鍦ㄥ叾鐢熶骇鐨勫悇涓蒋浠朵箣闂存鍦ㄩ?姝ユ惌寤烘洿鏄撲簬娌熼?鐨勬ˉ姊侊紝浣垮緱杩欎簺杞欢涓?涓?鐨勭粨鍚堢殑鏇村姞绱у瘑浜嗭紒鐪嬫潵鏃朵唬闇?鎴戜滑瀵瑰悇绉嶈蒋浠舵潵鍋氭í鍚戠殑瀛︿範杩愮敤浜嗭紝涓嶇劧鐨勮瘽锛屽氨瑕佽娣樻卑浜嗏?鈥︼紙鎭愭?鈥︹?锛?br />


1銆佸湪FW4涓袱涓浣欑殑鍛戒护鈥淓dit Bitmap 鍜?Exit Bitmap鈥濆湪FWMX缁堜簬瀵跨粓姝e瘽锛屾秷澶变笉瑙佷簡锛?br />2銆佸湪FW4涓殑杞寲浣嶅浘鍛戒护鈥淐onvert to Bitmap鈥濆湪FWMX涓敼鍙樻垚浜嗏?Flatten Selection鈥濆懡浠わ紝涓よ?鍔熻兘鐩稿悓锛岀郴缁熼粯璁ょ殑蹇嵎閿悓鏍蜂繚鎸佷负鈥淐trl+Shift+Alt+Z鈥濄?璇ュ懡浠ゅ叾瀹炴垜浠湪涓婅妭鐨勨?Layer锛堝眰锛夆?闈㈡澘鐨勪粙缁嶄腑宸茬粡鎺ヨЕ杩囦簡锛屼笉鍐嶈禈杩般?
3銆佸湪FW4涓敤鏉ュ悎骞跺浘灞傜殑鍛戒护鈥淔latten Layers鈥濆湪FWMX涓彉涓轰袱涓懡浠も?Merge Down鈥濆拰鈥淔latten Layers鈥濓紝鍏跺疄鏄鍔犱簡涓?釜鈥淢erge Down鈥濓紙鍚戜笅鍚堝苟鍥惧眰锛夌殑鍛戒护锛岀浉瀵硅?瑷?紝鎿嶄綔鐨勫彲鎺ф?鏇村姞澧炲己浜嗭紒


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銆??閫氳繃姣旇緝涓嶉毦鍙戠幇锛屽湪FWMX涓渶澶х殑涓?釜鍙樺寲灏辨槸澧炲姞浜嗗彲鎵╁睍鎻掍欢璧勬簮绠$悊鍣ㄧ殑鐩稿叧鍛戒护锛孧acromedia Extension Manager涔熷嚭鐜板湪FWMX涓簡锛佽繖鍙槸涓?釜宸ㄥぇ鐨勫彉鍖栵紝Macromedia Extension Manager瀵逛簬浣跨敤DW鎴栬?FLASH鐨勬湅鍙嬪簲璇ヤ竴鐐瑰効閮戒笉闄岀敓銆侻M鍏徃鎯冲繀鍦ㄥ緢涔呬互鍓嶅氨宸茬粡鎯冲埌浜嗗叾鍚勭杞欢鐨勫ぇ鍚屾椂浠g殑鍒颁复锛孧acromedia Extension Manager浣滀负鍏朵笓闂ㄧ殑鎻掍欢璧勬簮绠$悊宸ュ叿宸茬粡閫愭浠庡崟涓?殑涓篋W鏈嶅姟鍙戝睍鍒颁簡鐜板湪涓篎LASH锛屼互鑷充簬鐜板湪鎴戜滑鐪嬪埌鐨凢WMX锛屽叾鎿嶄綔鐨勫紑鏀炬?銆佸彲鎷撳睍鎬у彲瑙佷竴鏂戜簡锛佸彧瑕佷綘鏈夎冻澶熺殑鑳藉姏锛屼綘瀹屽叏鍙互鑷繁缂栧啓鑷繁鐨勬彃浠舵潵涓鸿嚜宸辨湇鍔★紝骞朵笖鍙互灏嗕綘鐨勫姵鍔ㄥ拰鍏朵粬浜轰竴鍚屽垎浜紝瀹炵幇璧勬簮鐨勫厖鍒嗗叡浜埄鐢ㄣ?璇翠簡杩欓棬澶氾紝鎴戜滑杩樻槸鏉ョ湅鐪嬪浣曟潵Manager Extension鍚р?鈥?br />
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Monday, October 11, 2010

How can we know that you AutoCad Screen shown on the graphs of 1:1

In cad in

Just enter the command z

1,1 is the ratio of the input value 1:1 (but this value is not Screen ratio value)

Screen Ruler can measure out the value of the painting in the size divided by the measure out with a size value,

(Command: Z in the input by the calculated value) is equivalent to 1:1

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In fact, this is useful when at work, because there are visual effects.

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Saturday, September 25, 2010

Ruiz: Barcelona will help AMD out of the doldrums

According to foreign media reports, AMD CEO Ruiz Monday said the company expects the new chip, the four processing engines to help revive the fortunes AMD.

The release of AMD Barcelona chip, Ruiz of the reporters said: "The products will state clearly positive impact on corporate finance."

Ruiz said that the processing performance by providing faster and more efficient energy, Barcelona, AMD will strengthen the competitive advantage. The new processor also can conveniently make your computer run multiple operating system software, the so-called "virtualization" feature AMD Barcelona has been able to count on the competition with Intel to reverse the company's financial difficulties, so that their 40 billion in annual sales dollar to regain the market share of x86 processors. Over the past year, AMD shares fell 50%, while rival Intel shares were up 30%.

New York stock market closed Monday, AMD shares rose 2.6%, the stock rose to 12.94 U.S. dollars.

Ruiz also pointed out that the second half of this year, he forecast the market demand for personal computers will continue to remain strong because of the real estate industry to enhance consumers will not be affected by credit problems.

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Monday, September 20, 2010

Full clean up of floating

Clear float a page all to do one thing people will encounter, but if we can clearly know that a full range of understanding? Was a retired and sit on the soon to write such an article, can not say every aspect, but the basic can I know the purse imparted.

We take a look rough way to clear the floating of a total number (IE inside with zoom: 1 will not write, and write the next topic). Corresponding DEMO

Pseudo class: after a follow-up air system, high-bit pseudo-class level of zero clear

Use CSS overflow: auto to hold back high

Use CSS overflow: hidden weird way how to adapt

Using display: table of the object into a table form

Using div tags and css of clear property

With br tag, and the css of clear property

With br tag, and the clear attributes of its own HTML

Roughly speaking, they could have solved the problem; but their other hand they have their own advantages and disadvantages. (Correspond)

Advantage of semantic structure entirely correct, does not produce the rest of the weird problems.

Disadvantages of improper reuse code easily lead to a sharp increase.

Proposed use of the outermost light floating, or clear modular way people use reuse.

Advantage of the semantic structure of completely correct, the code was minimal.

Multiple nested shortcomings, click on the outermost layer of the light thrown into the outermost layer of the floating box to the contents of the innermost layer of the election (FF); or mouseover changes caused by the width of the outermost layer of the module will appear when there is scroll bar (IE ).

Modules within the proposed use, do not nested.

Advantage of the semantic structure of completely correct, the code was minimal.

Content more easily when the defects do not automatically wrap the content is hidden away.

Recommends the use of fixed width, do not nested.

Advantage of the semantic structure of completely correct, the code was minimal.

Box Model Properties shortcomings have changed the natural events can be imagined more singular count the number and you have not.

If you do not want to change the proposed change death Bug you, best not to use; but which can be used as a temporary 蹇芥偁 alpha version to test.

Advantage of the code is extremely rare and high reusability.

Shortcomings can not meet the semantics of the perfect, is not conducive to revision and needs to change.

Recommended to beginners, allows you to quickly solve the floating problem.

Advantage of the semantic level than the first five kinds of situations to better; code is extremely rare and high reusability.

Semantic shortcomings still not perfect, is not conducive to revision and needs to change.

Recommended to beginners, allows you to quickly solve the floating problem.

Semantic level than the first advantage of a situation to be better 5,6; code was the smallest, high reusability.

Semantic shortcomings still not perfect, is not conducive to revision and needs to change.

Proposed upgrade of thinking to guide for beginners to use, allowed to understand its control with the classname to a manifestation of better times to return to WEB1.0 html pages directly attribute to control the performance of the latter, after all, less the amount of code.

Finally, the list is completed. But I think it is necessary and we apologize, reproduced on the ghost before the article; very sorry that it had changed the title of a ghost of "simple" with "optimal", so that the back of misleading a lot of students. So re-write an article to share.


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May 10 message, Artesyn Technologies today learned that wireless Internet strategically important product Baidu Baidu has introduced two handheld support for Blackberry and Android phones are operating platform for mobile client version. Baidu said the majority of future Google phone BlackBerry and Palm Baidu users can directly access and use the Baidu products and services.

Related statistics show that the scale of the current mobile phone users in China has more than 740 million, of which the total number of mobile Internet use has reached more than 233 million wireless Internet applications is growing at an unprecedented pace of development rapid growth. Among these, the increase in volume of smart phone users especially.

With analysts believe that with the popularity of smart phones, public Internet access center from the old computer desk to spread to every corner of the, which has become a beachhead of wireless Internet giants have the reason. In this case, Baidu announced in 2009, wireless Internet will be its future strategic direction of one of the core to mobile handheld Baidu represented subsequently turned out to client products.

Baidu said the wireless side, accumulated current, Palm downloads Baidu has reached 10 million or more, with more than 20 domestic manufacturers cooperate to achieve built-in or pre-installed. Baidu launched the BlackBerry handheld version and Android version is from the official launch by the end of November last year, a new release.

It is reported that so far, including search, paste it, I know that journalism, space, forums, Baidu's range of products have been successfully completed on the handheld Baidu transplant. Pocket Baidu has realized Symbian, Windows Mobile, iPhone, Blackberry and Android smartphone platform in virtually all of its various software version support.

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Sunday, July 4, 2010

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Supports YouTube video or any .flv and .swf file as input file. Supports not only YouTube video, but also various video formats as input file, including avi, DivX, XviD, rm, rmvb, MOV, MPEG, WMV. Supports a wide variety of output file format., including avi, DivX, XviD, rm, rmvb, MOV, MPEG, WMV. Provides various profiles, these profiles can meet the needs of most people. - is the most powerful YouTube assistant on the planet.

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Friday, June 25, 2010

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Hot popluar youtube video Converter + download + player tool. With YouTube tool you can also convert downloaded YouTube videos to a format compatible with your favorite portable device; including - iPod Video, iPod Touch, iPod Nano, iPhone, Zune, PSP, as well as video capable MP3 players, video capable mobile phones, and Pocket PC, And finally... YouTube tool's embedded player will allow you to watch all your favorite YouTube videos off-line. So now you can enjoy any .flv and .swf videos anytime!
Supports YouTube video or any .flv and .swf file as input file. Supports not only YouTube video, but also various video formats as input file, including avi, DivX, XviD, rm, rmvb, MOV, MPEG, WMV. Supports a wide variety of output file format., including avi, DivX, XviD, rm, rmvb, MOV, MPEG, WMV. Provides various profiles, these profiles can meet the needs of most people. - is the most powerful YouTube assistant on the planet.

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Wednesday, June 16, 2010

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AllRipper SWF Converter is easy converts your Flash swf files to compliant Avi, Mpeg, VCD, SVCD or DVD structures (VOB and IFO).It converts your batch files into a compliant DVD Video set of files and burns it on a DVD blank media DVD+-R(W). The aspect ratio can be automatically selected or forced to a specific format. The program works for NTSC and PAL video format and create automatically chapters. Multiple audio tracks are supported. and burn them to a DVD-R, DVD+R, DVD+RW, and DVD-RW, so that you can play your Flash swf on DVD player.It is a Powerful and versatile DVD creator. The user-firenldy and easy-to-use interface lets you set begin-time/end-time for each Flash swf and batch convert. Very quick in conversion speed and no quality is lost! Cool SWF Converter Mixer Convert Macromedia Flash SWF to MPEG AVI video file. SWF to Video Converter is a powerful utility that supports to convert Macromedia Flash SWF files to MPEG AVI or VCD SVCD DVD compatible MPEG files including movie clips, action scripts and audio in the Flash movies. Also join many SWF files in one large AVI or VCD SVCD DVD compatible MPEG file. Allow the human interaction on Flash content during conversion, no skip frames and support 32bits RGBA alpha channel video that can be directed imported by video authoring tool for composition. Main features: batch conversion for SWFs to MPEG AVI VCD SVCD DVDs, batch Join for SWFs to MPEG AVI VCD SVCD DVDs, join many SWF files in one large video file, extract MP3/WAV sound.

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Monday, June 14, 2010

Swift Flash MP4 Encode

Swift Flash MP4 Encode is a All-in-One powerful tool. Convert all popular video and audio formats, swf or flv to video, such as avi, mpeg, 3gp, mp4, mov, it offers the solutions to problems that many other flash to video converting tools cannot solve, such as video and audio asynchronization, loss of frames, audio distortion, the process of alpha channel, and the process of both internal and external Flash video(flv). With the leading audio and video codec, Swift Flash MP4 Encode lets you easily and fully enjoy the original effects of your Flash files on your PC, iPod, PSP, Zune, iPhone, DVD players and other portable devices. In conclusion, with easy-to-use interface, fast converting speed, powerful functions.

Recommand Link:

Professional XviD MP4 Encode

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Friday, June 11, 2010

Quick iPod to Computer Converter

iPhone/iTouch/iPod to Computer Transfer is an easy to use iPod/iPhone utility designed to help you backup the stuffs in your iPod/iPhone/iTouch. Recover lost or missing music, backup and restore all of your iPod/iPhone/iTouch content, including your favorite songs, videos, photo files and Play Lists, and that's not all. If you have any iPod/iPhone device, this software is a must-have utility to keep your iPod/iPhone safety.


* Top-rated iPod transfer software - Easy and simple to use, powerful as well.
* One software supports all iPod/iPhone/iTouch models. Save your money.
* Auto-scans your iPod.
* Auto-searches by Album/Artist/Genre/Type.
* Simple to install and operate.
* Advanced settings supports Backup Folder Rule.
* Index by Album/Artist/Genre/Type.
* Selects file to back up.
* Easily and quickly backup your songs, videos, photos, playlists, podcasts and more from your iTouch/iPhone/iPod to any folder on your PC.
* Manage the iPhone/iTouch/iPod content, import and export files between the devices and computer.
* Supports not only iPod/iPod Nano/iPod shuffle, also iPhone and iTouch.
* You can play the media file directly in our program with not the third part player.
* You can manage your iPod device on any computer.
* Supports transfer photos from the iPhone/iTouch/iPod to computer.
* Support multiple languages. (English, Spanish, French, Deutsch, Chinese...)
* Good value for money.

Recommand Link:

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Thursday, May 27, 2010

Youtube Video to SWF Help

It's most popular and very easy to use YouTube tools. helps you Fast download, convert, play, manage your favorite YouTube videos. If you're a YouTube fan, you'll love YouTube tool! is the most powerful YouTube assistant on the planet. YouTube tool easily: 1. Fast downloads YouTube videos, 2. Supports unlimited simultaneous downloads (a real time saver!), 3. Automatically names the downloaded video the same as the YouTube title, 4. Converts YouTube videos to various video formats, including Video, DVD, VCD, AVI, MPG, MPEG, Divx, Xvid, WMV, RM, RMVB, MOV, MP4, 3GP, SWF, DAT, H264, VOB, Flash, PDA, M4V, 3G2, AMV, CDA, DV,QuickTime, ASX, TV, VHS, FLV, H264, BDMV, MAC, Apple TV, Zune, iPod, PDA, PSP, PS2, PS3, Xbox, Xbox 360, Mobile Phone, Cell Phone, Blackberry, Wii, Laptops, Printers, Palm OS, Pocket PC, PPC, Treo, Psion, EPOC, iphone.
Supports YouTube video or any .flv and .swf file as input file. Supports not only YouTube video, but also various video formats as input file, including avi, DivX, XviD, rm, rmvb, MOV, MPEG, WMV. Supports a wide variety of output file format., including avi, DivX, XviD, rm, rmvb, MOV, MPEG, WMV. Provides various profiles, these profiles can meet the needs of most people. - is the most powerful YouTube assistant on the planet.

Recommand Link:

Youtube FLV to Laptops Help

SuperBurner AVI to MPEG

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Hope MPEG to Wii

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Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Hope AVI to DVD

Hope AVI to DVD is a professional and easy-to-use AVI to DVD Software, easy convert AVI file to MPG, MPEG, WMV, MP4, 3GP, MOV, RM, VCD, DVD, SVCD, MPEG1/2/4 iPod, Zune, PSP, iPhone formats. also can support batch video files conversion of different video formats such as DVD AVI MPEG ASF MOV SWF at the same time. Besides, it also can support to burn VCD SVCD DVD. And best of all, it has a powerful video decompress/compress engine that convert whole AVI movie to DVD in 30 minutes! Except for converting AVI to iPod Video and converting Video to iPod,it also supports converting among MPG, WMV, MP4, 3GP, MOV, RM, PSP Video, iPod Video, Zune Video, iPhone Video!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

AlltoDVD Apple TV Converter

AlltoDVD Apple TV Converter is a very easy convert your favorite movies from AVI , DIVX, MOV, MPEG, QuickTime, VCD, DVD, WMV, ASF, RM, RMVB to Apple TV. and convert popular audio files including WMA, MP2, OGG, RA, AC3, APE, CDA, etc to Apple TV MP3, AAC. Extremely fast conversion speed and friendly user interface let you convert video files between many formats with ease. The powerful features and unbeatable price make AlltoDVD Apple TV Converter an affordable and powerful video conversion solution on personal computer.

Recommand Link:

Blue Cat''s Stereo Flanger

Perpetually RM Mobile M4V to DVD

Ever M4P M4A to MPC Ripper

HAPPINESS Divx AVI Conversion



Professional VOB to AVI 3GP


ColeSoft DVD to iPod Converter

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Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Apple YouTube to xBox Wii

Apple YouTube to xBox Wii is the fastest DVD movie to iPhone video converter software so far in the world. and reliable tools for DVD MPEG2 video to iPhone video format video conversion. Almost all kinds of DVD formats was supported by Apple YouTube to xBox Wii. With YouTube to xBox Wii Converter, you can convert almost all kinds of YouTube to xBox Wii video (mp4) format. Its conversion speed is far faster than real-time, converting one DVD movie only takes half an hour in some high-end computers. Apple DVD Movie to iPhone Video Converter supports single-step conversion of DVD video into iPhone-ready MPEG-4 format while some other soft wares need two steps which wastes unnecessary time.

Recommand Link:

Dvr-ms Conversion To Iaudio

Monday, April 5, 2010

Avex DVD Ripper

Avex DVD Ripper is the fastest DVD ripper available on the market. With Superb video/audio quality and up to 3x faster ripping speed than conventional DVD Rippers, Avex DVD Ripper simply does the job much better. Also See: the Platinum version, which combines DVD Ripper, DVD to iPod Converter, DVD to PSP Converter, DVD to 3GP Converter and DVD to Zune Converter into one for only a fraction of the total price. Features: (1) Convert DVD to AVI, Xvid/DivX, WMV, MPEG video formats in one simple click. (2) Built-in X!-Speed? transcode technology. Up to 3x faster than conventional dvd ripper. (3) Fully optimized for Dual-Core, HyperThread Processors, SSE2/SSE/MMX/3DNow! (4) Easy to use. Adjustable settings. (5) Support DVD DTS surround audio. (6) Support video in Hi-Def, superb quality.


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Tuesday, March 30, 2010

ZC MPEG to DVD Burner

ZC Mpeg to DVD Burner transcodes and burns Mpeg, Mpeg2, Mpeg4, VCD/SVCD files into DVD disc. With DVD encoding and burning engine integrated you can easily Merge up to 4 hours of multiple movies or episodic files to standard MPEG2 Video and burn it into a DVD+R/RW and DVD-R/RW disc that playable on car or home DVD player.ZC Mpeg to DVD Burner supports both NTSC and PAL TV system.Supports widescreen and standard TV. It's a 1 click solution to burn DVD movie from huge internet movie resources.



Direct Mpeg to standard DVD without losing quality.
Support Mpeg, MPG,Mpeg, Mpeg2, Mpeg4, VCD/SVCD video format.
Merge up to 4 hours of multiple movies or episodic files to one DVD.
Fast MPEG2 encoding, one hour to create a DVD movie.
Support NTSC and PAL TV system.
Support widescreen and standard TV.
Burn DVD-Video compliant Disc that playable on any car or home DVD player.
Burn DVD movie from hard disk onto DVD Disc directly.
Support a broad range of DVD-R/RW and DVD+R/RW burners.
Shutdown computer automatically when job is done.
Preview mode to check if the source is not damaged.
Reliable burning engine integrated.
Neat User Interface, one click to create DVD movie.
Lifetime FREE Technical Support and FREE upgrade . Free trial download.30 day money back guarantee.

More information please visit http://www.videoxdvd.com/

Recommand Link:

Convert mjpeg files to mpeg

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Anewsoft Video Converter

Anewsoft Video Converter is a powerful tool that can convert video files from one format to another. It converts within AVI (DivX, XviD, MPEG-4, uncompressed, Cinepak), MPEG (MPEG-1, MPEG-2 video), WMV (Windows Media Video), and RM (RealNetworks video, write-only). It can merge several video files into one output file. Anewsoft Video Converter supports batch conversion, and you can start conversion directly from Windows Explorer by right-clicking "Convert to..." from the context menu. The program also supports file drag-and-drop and has an easy-to-use interface that allows you to enjoy working with video files without frequently consulting reference materials.

Recommand Link:

Changing Dvd Vob Into Wmv

Friday, March 12, 2010

Allok 3GP PSP MP4 iPod Video Converter

Allok 3GP PSP MP4 iPod Video Converter contains Video to 3GP Converter, Video to PSP Converter, Video to PS3 Converter, Video to MP4 Converter, Video to iPod Converter, Video to Zune Converter, Video to Xbox Converter. It is a AVI/3GP/MP4 file conversion for your portable media player (MP4 player), iPod, Apple TV, PSP, PS3, Zune, Xbox360, Archos, Cellular Phone, Pocket PC, Palm etc .Integrated world class MPEG4/H264 encoder brings you amazing video quality with super fast conversion speed.

It can convert almost all video format, e.g. DivX, XviD, AVI, WMV, MPG, MPEG, MP4, M4V, FLV, 3GP, ASF, RM, RMVB, MOV, MOD, ASX, MKV, OGM, SVCD, VCD, VOB to AVI/MPEG/ASF/WMV/3GP/MP4 Video format.

Allok 3GP PSP MP4 iPod Video Converter support so many portable media player (MP4 player) such as iPod, Apple TV, PSP, PS3, Zune, Xbox, Acrchos AV400, Archos AV500, Archos AV700, Archos Gmini402, iRiver PMP-100, Creative Zen Vision, etc.

It's so easy that anyone can use it, works in just a few quick steps and takes only minutes, even seconds!

Key Features

Video source supports DivX, XviD, AVI, WMV, MPG, MPEG, MP4, M4V, FLV, 3GP, ASF, RM, RMVB, MOV, MOD, ASX, MKV, OGM, SVCD, VCD, VOB any video format play-able.
Supports AAC, AC3, AMR, MP3, MP2, M4A, OGG, WAV, WMA,etc, Audio formats.
All Video to 3GP Converter.
All Video to 3G2 Converter.
All Video to AVI Converter.
All Video to DivX Converter.
All Video to XviD Converter.
All Video to MP4 Converter.
All Video to ASF Converter.
All Video to WMV Converter.
All Video to MOV Converter.
All Video to iPod Converter.
All Video to PSP Converter.
All Video to ZUNE Converter.
All Video to H263 Converter.
All Video to H264 Converter.
All Video to MPEG1 Converter.
All Video to MPEG2 Converter.
All Video to VCD Converter.
All Video to SVCD Converter.
All Video to DVD Converter.
All Video to MOV Converter.
All Video to PS3 Converter.
All Video to Apple TV Converter.
All Video to Xbox360

Recommand Link:

Easy Convert Advanced Streaming Format To Ts

Monday, March 8, 2010


Hope ASF AVI to MPEG is a professional and easy-to-use AVI to iPod Zune iPhone Converter, convert AVI file to MPG, MPEG, WMV, MP4, 3GP, MOV, RM, VCD, DVD, SVCD, MPEG1/2/4 formats. also can support batch video files conversion of different video formats such as DVD AVI MPEG ASF MOV SWF at the same time. Besides, it also can support to burn VCD SVCD DVD. And best of all, it has a powerful video decompress/compress engine that convert whole AVI movie to DVD in 30 minutes! Except for converting AVI to iPod Video and converting Video to iPod,it also supports converting among MPG, WMV, MP4, 3GP, MOV, RM, PSP Video, iPod Video, Zune Video, iPhone Video!

Recommand Link:

transform avi format

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Amor AVI MPEG WMV RM to MP3 Converter

Amor AVI MPEG WMV RM to MP3 Converter is a easy and flexible tool used to extract audio from AVI, MPEG, VOB, WMV/ASF, DAT, RM/RMVB, MOV format medium files to MP3, WAV, WMA and OGG format. It can batch extract audio from video files such as AVI, MPEG, WMV/ASF, RM/RMVB, files to MP3,WMA,OGG and WAV files, So you can listen them with your mp3 player or extract audio from video files to CD quality WAV files for burning your own audio CD. You can setup output audio bitrate, frequency, and channels. Support VBR of MP3 and OGG.It has user-firenldy and easy-to-use interface. Converting in high precision and no quality is lost.

Recommand Link:

convert wmp to TRANSPORT stream windows vista

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Hope AVI DVD Wii to MP4

Hope AVI DVD Wii to MP4 is a best video and movie converter to MP4 Movie software! This product offers convert all popular formats to iPod, PSP, Zune, iPhone, MP4 video/ movie, Easy Convert DVD, VCD, SVCD, AVI, MPEG, WMV, MOV, MP4, RM, RMVB, DivX, ASF, VOB, 3GP and etc. Hope AVI DVD Wii to MP4 helps you watch your music videos and movies on your iPod, PSP, Zune, iPhone. In addition, you can also extracting audio from movie or music video and converting to iPod supported MP3 file format! Hope AVI DVD Wii to MP4 is the fastest Rip DVD movie to iPod, PSP, Zune, iPhone, MP4 video, you can convert almost all kinds of AVI DVD Wii to MP44 format. Its conversion speed is far faster than real-time, converting one DVD movie only takes half an hour in some high-end computers. Hope MP4 Suite supports single-step conversion of DVD video into iPhone-ready MPEG-4 format while some other soft wares need two steps which wastes unnecessary time.

Recommand Link:

How to change divx dvd files to mp4 mobile

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

BlueBird iPod to PC Transfer

BlueBird iPod to PC Transfer - you can easily backup your songs, videos from your iPod back to your PC. "iPod to PC " is so easy to use. It supports automatic scan iPod.Support iPod Type, iPod Calssic/iPod Nano/iPod Shuffle.. BlueBird iPod to PC offers very fast searching and a browse mode which makes finding songs/videos on the iPod. The list of shown songs/videos can be showed by song name, genre, artist, album. It's so easy to choosing desired groups of files for backup to your pc from iPod. And it's also very fast and easy. Just do a checkbox click on any song/video file in the iPod files list, which enables you to check/uncheck all or specific groups of files for backup to PC. It can backup/transfer iPod songs/movies to Computer. iTunes says 'no', Aniosoft says 'yes'

Recommand Link:

convert mp4 movies to quicktime

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Avex DVD to iPhone Converter

Avex DVD to iPhone Converter is a one-click solution to convert DVDs to iPhone movie. Watch movies on the go! Build your movie list for iPhone now! It features superb video & audio quality and the fastest conversion techniques availabe on the market (Up to 3x faster). And it is very easy to use. Features: (1) Convert DVD to iPhone MP4 video format in one simple click. (2) Support H.264(High quality) and MPEG4 video in MP4 format used in iPhone (3) Built-in X!-Speed? transcode technology. Up to 3x faster than conventional converter. (4) Adjustable video size for playback on iPhone and on TV screen as well. (5) Optimized settings for superb video playback on iPhone.


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Monday, January 18, 2010

Any Video Converter Freeware

Any Video Converter is a totally free video converter which helps you to convert various video formats including MP4, AVI, RM, RMVB, QT, MOV, 3GP, 3G2, FLV, MPEG-1, MPEG-2, DVR-MS, VOB, MKV, ASF, DivX, OGM to AVI, WMV, MP4, FLV and SWF with fast converting speed and excellent video quality. It can also extract audio from videos files and save into MP3, AAC, WMA, OGG and Wave formats. Any Video Converter can easily download and convert YouTube and Google Videos in a step by pasting URL links.
Any Video Converter is a completely free video converter with lots of use functions. With Any Video Converter, you can trim any part of the video you want by specifying time section, you can merge several video clips in different formats into one clip. Batch conversion and output management are also possible.
If you are still seeking a free video converter, Any Video Converter will be the best choice.

Recommand Link:

transport stream to mov conversion guide

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Christmas-Idea SWF to Mobile

Christmas-Idea SWF to Mobile is an All-in-One solution to create Mobile Phone 3GP movies from DVDs, TV shows and downloaded videos. The software combines SWF to Mobile Converter and 3GP Video Converter in one package for discounted price. The software is easy to use. It features superb video audio quality and the fastest conversion techniques availabe on the market (Up to 3x faster).

Christmas-Idea SWF to Mobile easy converts all popular video formats such as AVI, DivX/Xvid, WMV, RM, MPG, MOV, MPEG (and many more) videos into Mobile Phone 3GP format. Watch movies on the road. Support all mobile phones with 3GP video capability. The software is very easy to use. It compresses a full lengh movie into small size which can be fitted in a 128MB memory card. Carry your movie theater on the go! Watch movies anywhere, anytime - a new life style.

Recommand Link:

convert tod movies to 3gp

Monday, January 11, 2010

Youtube to Xbox 360 Now

It's most popular and very easy to use YouTube tools. helps you Fast download, convert, play, manage your favorite YouTube videos. If you're a YouTube fan, you'll love YouTube tool! is the most powerful YouTube assistant on the planet. YouTube tool easily: 1. Fast downloads YouTube videos, 2. Supports unlimited simultaneous downloads (a real time saver!), 3. Automatically names the downloaded video the same as the YouTube title, 4. Converts YouTube videos to various video formats, including Video, DVD, VCD, AVI, MPG, MPEG, Divx, Xvid, WMV, RM, RMVB, MOV, MP4, 3GP, SWF, DAT, H264, VOB, Flash, PDA, M4V, 3G2, AMV, CDA, DV,QuickTime, ASX, TV, VHS, FLV, H264, BDMV, MAC, Apple TV, Zune, iPod, PDA, PSP, PS2, PS3, Xbox, Xbox 360, Mobile Phone, Cell Phone, Blackberry, Wii, Laptops, Printers, Palm OS, Pocket PC, PPC, Treo, Psion, EPOC, iphone.
Easily Convert all popular video formats. Provides the highest speed to download YouTube video. Support unlimited simultaneous downloading tasks. Supports auto-name your downloaded video title as the YoutTube page shows. Offers you the most convenient task management and the easiest control capability. About Conversion Features. - is the most powerful YouTube assistant on the planet.